Asperger Experts AE Logo


Our deep-dive, multi-week courses are designed to take you by the hand, and help you with a specific challenge in a step-by-step fashion.

You'll get recorded lessons to go through at your own pace, and access to Q&A calls with AE staff to get your concerns addressed.

Individual Courses

Great For Starting Out

Great For Parents

Great For Young Adults

Great For Families

Great For Reducing Overwhelm

Great For Getting Through

Course Bundles

Great For Young Adults

Great For Families

Great For Deep Results

Featured Course

Where To Start & What To Focus On

If you struggle with knowing the next steps, finding the right answer and understanding your Asperger child's behaviors, this course is for you.

We'll take you by the hand and give you a comprehensive, step-by-step plan that shows you exactly how to navigate the wonderful and sometimes confusing world of raising someone with Asperger's.

Meltdowns & Overwhelm

What to do in the moment, what to say to help them calm down, and what to avoid doing at all costs.

Perspectives & Problem Solving

How to know when there is a problem, when to push, and when to let go.

Building Relationships & Trust

The 4 part plan to repair broken trust & strengthen relationships.

Understanding Defense Mode

Why do they get shut down and withdraw, and what can you do about it?

Deep Listening

How to help them feel safe and secure... without saying a single word.

Video Game Addictions

When is it a problem, when do you need to step in, and when can you step back?

How To Say No

Setting & enforcing boundaries so you can say no, mean it, and be heard.

Common Mistakes

Avoid the common mistakes families make when trying to help their child on the spectrum.